How to: Banana Parfait

Hi it's Kayleigh. Today I'm going to give you a recipe for a banana parfait.

What you need:
·         A little bit of Love Crunch (You can find this at Wal-mart…it doesn’t matter how much you use whatever you like

       1.  1 banana
       2.  Yogurt (I used strawberry because that’s my favorite flavor, but you use whatever flavor you like best)                     
         3 Love Crunch (You can find this at Wal-Mart)

 1st, put 4 spoonful’s of yogurt into your cup. Next, put as much Love Crunch as desired into the cup, along with 4 slices of banana
Do the same thing 1 more time.

Now you want to do the same thing a 3rd time, except this time only put 3 banana's on top, if you want it to look pretty. 

And that's all there is to it to make this super easy breakfast. Check out how to make a strawberry and blueberry parfait here. Enjoy! 🍌If you did enjoy this post, please subscribe/follow or comment below! Also, Make sure to vote in the home button to your left! (The 3 lines)


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